If you are participating in yoga classes, the workshop on making a book, or the NonViolent Communication lecture during the Virtual Tango Fest, here are special instructions from your instructors.
Sexual Citizenship and the Tango World: Exploring the nature of consent, boundaries, and creating safer communities
Content warning: The discussion of Sexual Citizens will include descriptions of actual sexual assaults, as students recounted them.
Yoga Classes
Wear comfortable clothing (preferably with no buttons or zippers). If you don’t have a yoga mat, it would be ideal to practice on a surface with moderate cushion.
Props are not necessary, but the following can be helpful:
NonViolent Communication Lecture
If you for registered for the VTF workshop, Nonviolent Communications Methods Applied to Tango with Mitra Martin and Andrei Andreev, thank you! We’re looking forward to a wonderful, interactive session with you.
Make a Tango Notebook
Kristin has designed a class around books that you can make with stuff from around your house. You do not need all of these things, only at least one type of paper and scissors.