

What We Believe

We believe that tango has a role to play in the creation of a more inclusive, open and just society. Tango creates opportunities for people to meet, embrace and form relationships outside of their normal circles and routines. These human-to-human connections can be leveraged to ameliorate pervasive inequality in our society, from systemic racism and discrimination against LGBTQ individuals, to ageism, ableism and gender bias. We invite your feedback and collaboration as we strive together to create more inclusive tango spaces, events and community.


No one will be turned away due to inability to pay. Work study and volunteer opportunities, sliding scale, and free entrance are available to those in need. Please contact Director Meredith Klein at [email protected] or 617-291-3798.

We regret that we cannot provide refunds.

Private lessons must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance or the student will be charged.

Our privacy policy may be viewed here.

Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
2030 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19125
[email protected]
© Meredith Klein 2018-2025. All rights reserved.

Philly Philadelphia Argentine Tango School