
Ines Muzzopapa

Ines Muzzopapa

Inés Muzzopappa is an Argentine Tango dancer and instructor. She started her path in tango when she was 14 years. In 2007 she won the 1st Prize in the World Tango Championship.

From that moment on she started to teach and perform at the most renowned Tango Festivals and events in Argentina, Europe, Asia and the US. She also has participated as a judge in different international contests for tango.

During these years, Inés has also been studying social pedagogy and English and Italian languages in order to improve her teaching skills and to organize conferences merging tango and pedagogy.

Ines is a riveting performer and brilliant teacher who has visited Philadelphia several times before, most recently at the 2022 Philadelphia Tango Festival. We are very lucky to be able to welcome Ines to Philadelphia twice in one year!

Philadelphia Argentine Tango School
2030 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19125
[email protected]
© Meredith Klein 2018-2025. All rights reserved.

Philly Philadelphia Argentine Tango School